The U.S. concrete floor coatings market is valued at over $300 million and is expected to grow as demand increases. Homeowners are seeing the value of protecting and surfacing their concrete floors with a coating.

If you’re a homeowner with a pool deck, garage floor, or patio that is showing its age, it may be time to consider a polyurea floor coating. Keep reading to learn about some of the top reasons to try a polyurea coating in your home.

1. Durable and Resistant

One of the biggest reasons to try a polyurea garage floor coating is because of its durability and resistance to both water and chemicals. These coatings are more durable than other types of floor coatings and can last for decades. They are perfect for garages or basements because chemicals and other liquids won’t cause damage or staining.

While epoxy tends to fade or turn yellow when exposed to direct sunlight, polyurea is UV-resistant and will never fade or yellow. Polyurea is also resistant to cracking due to its flexible properties.

Because of its durability, polyurea is a great choice for inside or outside. It is popularly used in garages but is also a great option for driveways, patios, basements, and entryways.

2. Quick Curing and Minimal Maintenance

Polyurea garage floor coatings dry much faster than other types of coatings. That means you’ll have a functional garage much faster with polyurea. It will completely dry within 24 hours after installation and is immediately ready for use.

Another benefit of quick drying time is there is less time for bubbles to form as the material hardens. While bubbling is a problem commonly seen with epoxy coatings, it’s not something you need to worry about with a polyurea coating.

If keeping up with maintenance isn’t your thing, polyurea is a great floor coating option. Polyurea floor coatings are easy to maintain and require very little maintenance.

While properly taking care of polyurea garage floor coatings is easy, there are a few things to note. Try to avoid scratching the surface, clean up any spills or messes quickly, and use a soft brush or mop to clean it. This minimal maintenance will help your polyurea coating last for years without running into any problems.

3. Increases Safety

Polyurea floor coatings increase safety by creating a slip-resistant floor. Vinyl chips are added onto the polyurea coating which increases the traction of the finished product. This is especially important when there are wet or snowy conditions because a slippery floor can cause serious injuries.

When it comes to your home, safety is important. Having slip-resistant floors in areas like your garage, pool deck, and basement will reduce your worry about someone slipping and falling.

Try a Polyurea Floor Coating for Your Home

Now that you know these three reasons to give polyurea floor coating a try, are you ready to get one installed? A polyurea coating will protect your concrete for years to come and will increase the safety of your home.

If you’re looking for a floor coating company in the Delmarva area, contact the experts at Garage Force today! We’ll have you on your way to loving your garage floor in no time!