Adding a quartz concrete coating to your garage floor is an easy way to add value to your garage and make it more durable. However, you want to make sure you find the most durable floor coating option before you get it installed. 

Do you want to learn more about a quartz system garage floor coating? Keep reading this article to learn about 7 of the benefits of using colored quartz for your floor coatings.  

1. Permanent Coating

One of the biggest benefits of using quartz floor coatings for your garage is that it is a permanent coating. With other types of coatings, they may not last as long. For example, in places with Chevy traffic, epoxy floors may need to be replaced every few years. 

However, quartz will last a lot longer. You can add a clear topcoat to your quartz floors, so they last even longer. 

2. Resistant to Wear and Tear 

Next, quartz flooring is also more resistant to wear and tear than other garage floor coatings. 

For example, it stands up very well to impact and heavy objects. If you store heavy machinery in your garage, you can be sure that it will not damage the coatings. This type of flooring is also resistant to scratches, abrasions, and even chipping!

Quartz coating is also resistant to chemical corrosion! If you use your garage often and there is a lot of heavy traffic on your floors, quartz concrete coating is a great option for you. 

3. Improves Aesthetics 

Another huge benefit of using quartz concrete coating is that it can improve the aesthetics of your garage more than other types of concrete coatings. First off, quartz coating is stain-resistant. This will protect your garage floor from getting oil stains or damage from any other spills. 

Because the quartz system cures so quickly, this type of coating doesn’t have as many bubbles as other coatings. This means you will have a completely smooth finish on your garage floors. 

Finally, these garage floor coatings are resistant to UV light damage. This means they will maintain their color for much longer. With other types of coating, like epoxy, UV light may cause your flooring to yellow or fade. You can also find many different colors of quartz flooring to match your personal aesthetic. 

With quartz coating for your garage floor, the overall aesthetics of your garage are better than other types of garage floor coatings. 

4. Slip-Resistant Surface

Quartz coating is also slip-resistant, making it a much safer alternative for your garage. In fact, the Medici Polyurea Coating system has OSHA-Approved anti-slip texturing. This is especially great for places with frequent water spills or exposure to the weather. 

It is also great for a garage in a climate with a lot of rain and snow. If you track in water from outside, you don’t want to risk falling and getting injured. 

To keep you and your loved ones safer, you should consider using this type of slip-resistant floor coating in your garage. 

5. New Life to Old Floors

Quartz garage floor coatings provide new life to old floors. Cement may not stand up to the wear and tear put on your garage floor. With heavy equipment, cars, and more, it is likely to crack from the pressure and the weather. 

However, putting a quartz coating on your old floors can give them new life! This means you will not have to replace your floors as often, and you can give your floors a completely new look.

In fact, most companies offer several different colors for your quartz coating, so you can find an option that fits your personal preferences. 

6. Economical 

Getting a quartz coating for your floor is a very economical choice! As was mentioned above, it provides new life to old floors. When your floors are cracked, stained, and faded, you may feel like you need to get new concrete poured into your garage. 

While concrete isn’t the most expensive material, it still can cost several dollars per square foot. If you have a large garage, this can add up quickly. Instead, you can patch the cracks in the floor and add a colored coating to your garage floor. 

This will save you a lot of money in the long run!

7. Easy to Clean

Finally, these floors are very easy to clean! As was mentioned before, they are resistant to spills, meaning it is easy to wipe up any messes in your garage. 

This makes maintenance for your quartz coating much more simple. When you spill liquids on your garage floor, they will stay on top of the surface instead of seeping through. With other more porous materials, the materials are absorbed and can lead to stains and difficulty cleaning. 

If you don’t want constant maintenance and cleaning upkeep, you should use quartz concrete floor coatings for your garage floor. 

Get Quartz Concrete Coating For Your Garage Floors Today

Getting a quartz concrete coating for your garage floor is a great way to add value to your home while improving your garage. Not only do they last longer than other types of coating, but they are easier to clean, safer to walk on, and more aesthetically pleasing. Are you looking for a local company to install your garage coatings?

Garage Force can help!

We offer garage floor coatings that are fast to install, resistant to UV ray damage, and that provide a great-looking finish to your garage floors. Contact our team today to learn more about our garage coating systems, to get started on a project, or to find your local Garage Force location!